EMI is usually one of the largest spends for individuals on a monthly basis. With rising interest rates leading to higher EMIs or longer payment period, it makes the situation even more difficult. So, people look for ways to finish the home loan quickly. Here are some ways one can repay a home loan faster…
Goat Spleen for Anemia
In Tamilnadu, the Goat spleen is called as “suvarotti”. Suvarotti is also known as ‘manneeral’, even though some say that both are little different. Suvarotti means it sticks to the wall. It is believed because of this nature, the nutrients from the suvarotti sticks to our body. Goat spleen/Suvarotti/Manneral is cleaned and in a whole piece….
Poornima’s Birthday
On 17 March, is a precious day when my Queen was born “பிறந்தநாள் வாழ்த்துக்கள் என் செல்லக்குட்டி” – ssr
Lalitha Muthumariamman kovil Paalkudam
Legend/History: Half a Century earlier, a little girl named Lalitha came to this place, suffering from Smallpox. Initially no one noticed her. Later an elderly Muslim noticed her condition and started taking care of her. One day she asked for a Tomato fruit, but he said that it’s not possible as it was not the…
Chettinad Mansions
The Chettinad mansions / villas / houses are sumptuous, spacious, and flamboyant with intricate carved structures. Chettinad mansions are built using bricks (known as ‘sengkal’), country made roof tiles (known as ‘naattu odu’) preferably from ‘Manamadurai’, (owing to the soil’s rich iron content), decorative floor tiles (preferably, the famed ‘Athankudi’ handmade terracotta tiles), limestone mixture…
Rainwater Harvesting as a Tradition of Chettinad
Many of the mansions / houses in and around Chettinad were built-in with arrangements, (the contoured metal sheets placed under the corners where roof tiles of two walls join), for rainwater harvesting, to provide for clean drinking water. The rainwater is [fine cloth] filtered and funneled into large brass-ware that can be stored for weeks….
Windows: Delete/Copy/Move very Long Files/Folders
Dealing with “Too Long” Names in Windows Windows uses a naming convention called “Long Filenames (LFN)”. The LFN system supports file names up to 255 characters. Other operating systems, however, do not have similar restrictions. So if some Mac or Linux user were to archive a bunch of files with longer names and send you the…
WAMP Server Startup Guide
Repository https://wampserver.aviatechno.net/ WAMP Server can be installed in any Drive of preference, though C: is default. Starting the Wamp Server Post successfull installation of Wamp Server, run the ‘WampServer’. Its icon [W] starts with colour – Red, then progresses to Amber, and finally to Green, on all its 3 services started Successfully. Launch the Wamp…
Foods You Should Never Have On An Empty Stomach
SPICY FOOD Eating spices and chillies on an empty stomach may irritate the stomach lining which can lead to acidic reactions and cramps. They are pungent in nature and can trigger indigestion. SUGARY FOODS OR DRINKS Though majority of us are under the impression that it is healthy to have a glass of fruit juice…
Understanding Decimal Precision in High level Programming Language
[This artical is based on C# language] Understanding Decimal Precision of C# The C# has the following Data Types to handle Mathematical Decimal Precision; C# type Approximate range Precision Literal Suffix float ±1.5 × 10-45 to ±3.4 × 1038 ~6-9 digits The ‘f’ or ‘F’ suffix converts a literal to a float. double ±5.0 ×…